The NDIToolbox™ software package uses a wide range of signal/image processing tools, data stitching and registration, and data fusion operations to conduct faster and more accurate analysis of complex NDI data. This in turn translates into reduced inspection costs and downtime of critical assets.
Within seconds, the NDIToolbox™ can import data from NDI systems to assist the inspector to process, enhance, and interpret this often complex data. The NDIToolbox™ uses a conventional Microsoft Windows-based software program for an easy to use format that is designed for inspectors and engineers in the depot/field environment.
The NDIToolbox™ serves a wide variety of industries:
• Military Aviation
• Commercial Aviation
• Oil and Gas
• Nuclear
• Rotating Equipment and Turbomachinery
• Available in multiple implementations:
• The Researcher Implementation enables users to develop and deploy their own algorithms
• The User Implementation provides the ease of use of a Microsoft Windows-based program
• Powerful signal and image processing capability
• Easy-to-use data fusion function
• Several add-on tools coming soon including a POD analysis package