Being a small business, we are able to quickly adjust to your changing requirements. We have teamed with technology experts, commercial manufacturers, and prime contractors to solve problems and commercialize the solutions. Click here to learn more about our teaming experience and partners.
Experience with the challenges of extreme environments We specialize in developing high-performance products that can meet the demanding environments of military aircraft, land vehicles, ships, and submarines. Products have been developed to resist high temperatures, explosive blasts, seawater, and extreme thermal and pressure cycling. ToughGrip® nonskid coating is built to withstand wire slaps from landing aircraft, heavy vehicular traffic, oil, chemical and fuel spills, intense sunlight, wide temperature extremes and the persistent salt spray on aircraft carriers. BondCoat™ is used to maintain rubber to metal bonds in subsea seven in the high temperature and pressure environment experienced down-hole during oil drilling.
Meeting environmental and safety regulations We’ve developed lead free, 100% solids and VOC free materials which meet and exceed the performance of incumbent materials. Examples of work in this area include ThermaSafe™ composite resins which meet fire, smoke and toxicity restrictions aboard submarines, EcoMASS® lead-free compounds for bullets and radiation shielding, Tough-Grip® 100% solids non-skid coatings, and and a lead-free, antimony-free dry film lubricant.
Advanced Materials Development Our materials scientists are knowledgeable in a broad range of polymer chemistries and are experts at pushing boundaries when formulating new materials to meet critical material property requirements. Our UV curable composite resin has an extremely high glass transition temperature. Our ToughGrip® nonskid coating is environmentally friendly and more durable than previous products.
Composites Engineering TRI Austin has years of experience developing composites for marine use. We use materials selection, solid modeling, finite element analysis and structural analysis to optimize composite components. We are also able to utilize our materials development capabilities to create custom resins for specialty composites. We employ a variety of composite manufacturing techniques to produce prototypes and preproduction components.
Materials Testing TRI Austin has extensive testing facilities to support our R&D projects. In addition to materials testing, we also develop customized protocols for Accelerated Life Test (ALT), Highly Accelerated Life Test / Highly Accelerated Stress Screen (HALT/HAST) and other specialized testing requirements.
NDT/Diagnostics/Prognostics TRI Austin holds patents on nondestructive testing technologies and structural health monitoring systems.TRI Austin ran the DoD’s Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC) which contained the worlds larges library on NDE/T technologies. TRI currently subcontracts its materials and NDT expertise to Survice Engineering to support the Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC).
Materials Qualification and Transition We have developed, tested and qualified numerous materials for military use, including BondCoatTM which is standard protective coating for Navy underwater electrical connectors. Our scientists have assisted in the transition of many new products, and employ a variety of transition strategies to ensure that the technology is available to our customers.
Navy sailors must remain at peak performance when tasked with missions involving ever-increasing difficulty.
Physical Scale Models for Signature Reduction
The suppression of a ship’s magnetic signature is important in the effort to thwart detection…
Manufacturing of Stress Physical Scale Models (SPSMs) for Signature Reduction and Resistance to Environmental Stress
The use of stress physical scale models allows the Navy to design ship magnetic field…
Methodologies for Predicting Dormant Missile Reliabilities
Reliability of weapon systems through periods of storage dormancy has long been a significant concern…
Assessing the Impact of Lead-free Solders on the Long-term Reliability of Weapon System Electronics
Lead based solders were used for decades to make conductive and structural connections in electronic…
Multi-Stress Chamber for Accelerated Life Testing of Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits
Verification testing of TRI Austin’s Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuit/Environmental Evaluation Chamber (PEM/EEC) were carried out in…
Pressure Vessel Implosion Sea Test
The US DoD requires cylindrical and spherical pressure resistant vessels for various applications. In some…
Variable Vehicle Cone Index (VVCI) System
Tactical wheeled vehicles need the ability to adapt to rapidly changing terrain conditions and missions…